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Brother of Kim Kardashian's chauffeur charged over Paris robbery

Gary Madar, 27, along with 44-year-old Florus H, are accused of tipping off the thieves about the celebrity's whereabouts in the Fren...

Gary Madar, 27, along with 44-year-old Florus H, are accused of tipping off the thieves about the celebrity's whereabouts in the French capital last October.
Madar worked for the same car service company as his chauffeur brother Michael Madar, 40, who took Kardashian around Paris before the raid. Michael was released earlier this week.
The 35-year-old reality TV star was robbed of jewellery, tied up and locked in the bathroom of a luxury residence in the French capital where she was staying during Paris fashion week.
Another suspect Yunice A, 63, has been charged with robbing Kardashian at gunpoint and leaving her bound and gagged.
Marceau B, 64, is accused of helping to move some of the stolen gems.
Another six suspects are still in custody, including four other men ranging in age from 54 to 72, who are suspected of direct involvement in the heist.
The robbers wore ski masks and clothes with police markings.
They made off with a jewellery box containing a ring worth £3.5m and other valuables worth between £4.4m-£5.2m.
Multiple firearms, including an automatic pistol, and €140,000 (£121,000) in cash were found during the raids.
Kardashian West was unharmed in the robbery, but left badly shaken.
The arrests come as the star revealed on Twitter that she is jetting to Dubai for her first major public appearance since the ordeal.
She will be headlining a Friday masterclass by her make-up artist Mario Dedivanovic.

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GistTrend: Brother of Kim Kardashian's chauffeur charged over Paris robbery
Brother of Kim Kardashian's chauffeur charged over Paris robbery
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