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Janelle Monáe is ’so proud' to be at her first Golden Globes

Janelle Monáe has quite a bit to be excited about tonight...It's her very first Golden Globes! The double-threat singer and actress joi...

Janelle Monáe has quite a bit to be excited about tonight...It's her very first Golden Globes!

The double-threat singer and actress joined E! News on the red carpet at the 2017 Golden Globes, chatting with Giuliana Rancic about how proud she is to have worked on such incredible films like Moonlight—which is nominated for Best Motion Picture, Drama—and Hidden Figures.

"I just feel so blessed to be a part of these American stories that celebrate the often times uncelebrated," she explained. "I just feel so proud that we're finally getting these stories about inclusion. They're including everyone more and more and more. Hidden Figures and Moonlight, they're leading the way."

Though this might be her first time at the Globes, Monáe said she's been acting her whole life and hopes to do both music and film in the future.

"I grew up pretty much my entire life doing both music and theater," she revealed. "I studied acting. My entry point, obviously, was music, But I don't think you have to choose. I think for me, I want to continue to tell these unique, untold, universal stories in unforgettable ways through music and film." Speaking of unforgettable, Monáe is also known for her incredible style. In fact, she dished about her custom Armani gown, which she helped design herself.

"For me, it's just about being creative and remaining an artist," she dished of her ensemble. "I just love and respect artists. I hope someone's speech is inspiring enough to inspire me to work harder and to dream bigger!"

We hope so, too!



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GistTrend: Janelle Monáe is ’so proud' to be at her first Golden Globes
Janelle Monáe is ’so proud' to be at her first Golden Globes
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