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Kim Kardashian Paris Bodyguard DEFENDS His Actions During Terrifying Heist

Kim Kardashian ‘s former bodyguard broke his silence on the Paris robbery last year, just as the reality star’s chilling police statemen...

Kim Kardashian‘s former bodyguard broke his silence on the Paris robbery last year, just as the reality star’s chilling police statement was leaked.
As Radar readers know, Pascal Duvier was working for the 36-year-old during her now-infamous trip to France (when she was robbed of nearly $10 million in jewelry at gunpoint), watching over sisters Kendall Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian at a nightclub during the incident.
Despite his absence at the time of the crime, Duvier insists he has no regrets.
“I don’t like to waste my time on thoughts about ‘what if’ or ‘what could have been if. . .’. Many good and many bad things happen,” he told Fairfax media. “Life is a chain reaction of decisions and actions you take, you can’t choose only to change certain things. Every change affects everything.”
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When asked if he still worked for the mother of two, Duvier replied, “This is a question that comes up often and to be honest it doesn’t matter if I do or I don’t [work for Kim and Kanye]. . .The client should be the one answering that question.
“[I am looking] forward to new challenges, offers and tours with existing and new clients,” he added.
Meanwhile, Kardashian’s police statement was leaked over the weekend, revealing that the sexy reality star was naked underneath her bathrobe when masked men grabbed her.
The distraught reality star told police, “I heard noises at the door, like footsteps, and I asked shouting who was there, no one answered.”
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Kardashian said she called Duvier as she “saw through the sliding door two persons coming. . .”
It’s been speculated that the key players are “granddad gangsters” between the ages of 54 and 72. But in her statement to police, Kardashian thought the robbers “were a bit young because of the way they strapped me.”
Kanye West’s terrified wife said the robbers cleaned out her jewelry box, including two diamond bracelets by Cartier, a gold and diamond necklace by Jacob, and Lorraine Schwartz diamond earrings. They also took her iPhone 6, “then they left, running….I removed the tape from my hands and mouth.”

Because of the masks, Kardashian told cops she didn’t know if she could recognize them again. As Radar has reported, some suspects have been released.

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GistTrend: Kim Kardashian Paris Bodyguard DEFENDS His Actions During Terrifying Heist
Kim Kardashian Paris Bodyguard DEFENDS His Actions During Terrifying Heist
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