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Ronaldo has had enough rest

Cristiano Ronaldo will return to Real Madrid's starting XI for this weekend's encounter with Granada, Zinedine Zidane has confirmed....

Cristiano Ronaldo will return to Real Madrid's starting XI for this weekend's encounter with Granada, Zinedine Zidane has confirmed. 

The Portugal captain was among a number of first-teamers rested for Wednesday's 3-0 win over Sevilla in the Copa del Rey and reports from Spain suggested he could also sit out Saturday's match at the Santiago Bernabeu. 

Nevertheless, Zidane has stressed the prolific attacker has had enough rest and is ready to go once more. 

"I will not rest Cristiano on Saturday," the Madrid coach told reporters. 

"He will play and he will play a lot of games in the remainder of the season. Don't worry.

"One player can make a difference, like Cristiano always does, he is a different player." 

Madrid comfortably beat Sevilla without Ronaldo as James Rodriguez led his side the way and Zidane had nothing but praise for the Colombia international, who confirmed after the game that he intends to remain at the club. 

"James had a good game. He scored two goals and did an important job, like everyone else," Zidane added. 

"I am happy with how he played and that is the same for everyone else. 

"I am also happy for the minutes that [Alvaro] Morata and [Marco] Asensio got."



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Ronaldo has had enough rest
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